
Where it began

The dreaded...'Who am I?'

Grab a cup of tea (or a lovely thin, tall-stemmed glass of wine if that’s more your current vibe) and let’s have a chat.

This is the part where I’m supposed to summarise who I am, so first and foremost, I’m Harriet. I’m a 24 year-old woman living in a little town on the South Coast of England. What else? I love any form of chocolate drink, dance, my family, Friends (both the TV show and my actual friends), pasta, fluffy socks, that feeling of going to sleep on freshly washed bedding, The US Office, working hard, the sound of a wine bottle being opened...yup, a pretty random unsurprising selection of things I’m surely not alone with.

I studied Events Management at uni and now work for a large sporting event, but am also a complete novice winging my way through a new writing journey that has so far involved me listing off 10 inane things I like...but since we’re all faking it till we make it, it’s OK! This is the emphasis I want to place on me and this blog; I’m a normal person who feels incredibly lucky to be leading a wonderfully normal life.

I am one of however-many hundred thousand Harriet’s living in the UK, and an even scarier number to comprehend on a global scale. Just another Harriet added to the mix. With so many people around us, it got me thinking; we’re all quite similar aren’t we?

I would define myself as an all-round regular person with worries, concerns, traits, thoughts and, well you get it – an array of things that I’m becoming increasingly sure 95% of women at a similar stage in their life can relate to. There’s nothing like the sheer relief of feeling comfortable enough to say “Me too!” as someone else admits to something seemingly silly to reveal an awful lot of like-minded people. That’s what I hope Another Harriet brings. A well-needed slice of unpolished reality. Plus another slice of totally random lifestyle-y stuff that I, and hopefully you, enjoy.

I should probably mention here that this is very much out of my comfort zone, but I’ve learnt that the best things can happen when pushed out there; we really can do more than we think. I’ve struck gold however as Jordan is a web developer. Pause –

I should probably introduce him. I have an amazing other half to me who goes by the name Jordan; we’ve been together for 10 years (still doesn’t feel real to me either) and he is my absolute rock. Replay –

With his brilliantly geeky web brain he has helped tirelessly to bring this idea from my not-so-brainy brain to what you’re looking at on this screen.

In a time where I felt like everything was on hold, I took comfort from realising that I'm not as different as I was convincing myself I was. Another Harriet was born.

If you’d like to chat or have any recommendations for content that you’d like to see covered, please get in touch! Hit the button below to drop me an email – I’d love to hear from you.

I also have an Instagram page linked at the bottom of this page that I’d be ever-so-grateful to see you over on.

All the best!

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